[轉貼]最新2.0版HDMI正式開放授權 頻寬最高18Gbps

Posted in Signage on September 18th, 2013 by Banbanli

產業組織 HDMI論壇在2013年9月4日正式發表最新版 HDMI 2.0 規格,新版規格能向下相容舊版的 HDMI 規格,頻寬提升至 18Gbps ,並添加許多增強功能,以支援市場對提升消費者影音體驗的持續需求。

新的HDMI 2.0功能包括:支援 4K@50/60 (2160p)解析度,提供多維式身歷其境的音訊體驗,最多可達 32 個音訊通道,音訊取樣率最高可達 1536kHz;支援雙顯示,能在同一個螢幕上同步遞送雙視訊串流給多位使用者,支援同步遞送多串流音訊給多位使用者(最多4人 )。

HDMI 2.0亦支援21:9劇院級廣角視訊,以及可透過單一搖控器控制多款HDMI裝置的CEC擴充功能;此外「動態自動對嘴同步(Lip-Sync)」技術,則能避免因視訊處理時間差異而導致的影音時間延遲問題,在無需使用者介入的模式下以動態方式同步影音串流。


代理HDMI論壇負責HDMI技術授權業務的HDMI Licensing總裁 Steve Venuti 表示,全新的HDMI 2.0功能採用現有纜線、連接器插座/接頭就可支援,高速纜線(Category 2)纜線即可支援最大18Gbps的HDMI 2.0頻寬;能以原有纜線支援新版功能的主要原因,是新規格採用新的信令技術,提高了訊號的傳輸效率。

HDMI 2.0新增規格

Venuti指出,HDMI 2.0版自即日起可開放授權給HDMI裝置開發廠商,無須支付額外年費或使用費(royalty),僅須就現有的HDMI開發廠商協議簽署一份附加條款。而根據以往規格演進歷史估算,第一批採用HDMI 2.0的終端產品最快在3~6個月內就會問世;他預期在2014年初的國際消費性電子展(CES)上,就可看到廠商展示一系列相關產品。

特別來台宣傳新版HDMI規格的Venuti也歡迎更多廠商加入HDMI 論壇;他表示,HDMI原先是由HDMI聯盟7家創始會員所訂定,在2009年6月發表1.4b版規格後,創始成員認為需要有更多產業界的力量參與該規格的開發,於是在2011年10月又成立了HDMI論壇。



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AMD announces very low power APUs for embedded market

Posted in Daily, Digital Signage Today, Signage on May 24th, 2011 by Banbanli

From Digital Signage today

AMD today announced the immediate availability of two new AMD Embedded G-Series APUs (Accelerated Processing Units) with thermal design power ratings of 5.5 and 6.4 watts, up to a 39 percent power savings compared to earlier versions.

The very low power consumption and small 361-square-millimeter package is suited for compact, fanless embedded systems like digital signage, kiosks, mobile industrial devices and many of the new emerging industry-standard small form factors such as Qseven, according to AMD. The new low-power offering for the embedded market features one or two low-power x86 “Bobcat” CPU cores and a discreet class DirectX 11-capable GPU on a single die.

A fanless solution is crucial for many small embedded systems where the added cost for an active cooling system can be prohibitive or for environments where silent operation is a key requirement. Additionally, many embedded products are deployed in harsh environmental conditions where the presence of a fan represents a potential failure point for the system.

According to AMD, systems based on the new low-power AMD Embedded G-Series platform include an industrial mobile device from Amtek, a Pico-ITX single board computer from Axiomtek, a Qseven form factor computer-on-module from datakamp, and a fanless digital signage platform from iBASE. Additional customers are expected to bring new products to market in the coming quarters.