Palm Treo 750 Pictures

Posted in Computer, Palm on August 14th, 2006 by Banbanli

Palm Treo 750 Pictures
Posted By: PIC on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 4:56:53 PM

Palm Treo 750Engadget has posted the latest round of leaked Palm Treo 750 pictures. This is the long rumored next Windows Mobile powered Treo expected to be released sometime this fall. This new set of pics seems to confirm the name will be the Treo 750. It was previously known by the code-name Treo Hollywood. This model is expected to debut on Vodafone in Europe and on Cingular in the US. The Treo 750 is expected to support UMTS, HSPDA and there have been conflicting reports about whether or not it will include built in Wi-Fi. In addition it will ship with MSFP push email support, a 1.3 mp camera and features an antenna-less design.

這不就是我夢幻的機種嗎?哈哈哈哈,不過可能unlock的版本是在2007 1Q? 我不要阿~

全球PDA出貨量成長 Mio躍升第四大

Posted in Articles, Computer, General, Palm on August 12th, 2006 by Banbanli

PALM要加加油了阿,新的Linux Based Palm OS 也好,或是現有的5.4OS也好,都要快點趕上。

要是我要開spec 的話,應該是

  • 3G Smart phone
  • 802.11b/g WiFi
  • 2.1 blue tooth
  • SD slot
  • compatible with the current SW

大概就這樣吧,其實我用到的不多,只是喜歡Palm Style 的OS


全球PDA出貨量成長 Mio躍升第四大
文/陳曉莉 (編譯) 2006-08-08



今年第二季全球PDA市場出貨冠軍是市佔率22.5%的RIM,其次為12.7%的Palm,HP則佔10.4%。Gartner也指出,第二線的PDA 製造商呈現大幅成長,包括台灣的宇達電通(Mio Technology)、Motorola及Danger Research等業者。

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國際大廠Pre n踩煞車 台網通廠臉色凝重!

Posted in General, Networking on July 30th, 2006 by Banbanli

國際大廠Pre n踩煞車 台網通廠臉色凝重!
北美市場銷售不佳、品牌廠訂單喊卡 戴爾NB內建Pre n策略逆轉、WLAN前景再起風波

甫於第二季歡慶Pre n產品出貨量超乎預期甚多的台灣網通廠,近期卻自北美通路市場傳來Pre n產品銷售遠不如預期消息,且隨即有多家消費性網路設備品牌廠展開Pre n產品訂單喊卡或下修動作,加上原訂於7月中發表內建Pre n模組新款筆記型電腦(NB)的戴爾(Dell),亦傳出暫緩推出消息,恐讓第三季Pre n晶片銷售與出貨出現大逆轉,台系網通廠為此臉色凝重。 Read more »

Boot Camp, Mac do Windows, too !!

Posted in Computer on April 16th, 2006 by Banbanli

之前有人想在Intel based Mac 灌 Windows, 結果Apple 自己開發Dual Boot, 😀

More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows XP operating system on your Mac. Called Boot Camp (for now), you can download a public beta today.

記得去年Steven Jobs 還在那邊數落Windows 的Vista 會在N 年後推出,感覺好像就是反Windows派的,想不到也讓Windows可以支援 Intel Based Mac, 真是有點不可思議。


[轉貼]NVFS Palm 機器的一些要點 (TT5/T|X/LD) (dbcache)

Posted in Computer, Palm on February 28th, 2006 by Banbanli

作者: gpc (你有受過pda的專業訓練嗎) 看板: PDA
標題: [分享] NVFS Palm 機器的一些要點 (TT5/T|X/LD) (dbcache)
時間: Tue Feb 28 01:28:31 2006

(A). nvfs機器的dbcache 與 non-nvfs機器的heap memory 概述

簡單說一下好了,新款的palm device,改成非揮發性記憶體(NVFS)


一體兩面的,因為要讓資料不會不見的方法就是把資料放在Flash ROM上面.

可是Flash ROM的存取速度遠比以往的RAM還要慢,因此nvfs的機器裡面會搭載另外一塊

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發展住宅VoIP閘道器 VoIP系統層級與電話介面介紹

Posted in General, VoIP on February 20th, 2006 by Banbanli

發展住宅VoIP閘道器 VoIP系統層級與電話介面介紹

【T Y Chan等三位】 2005.02

雖然VoIP產品在市場出現已超過七年,但Vonage、 AT&T、Sprint和其它服務供應商在最近所做的宣佈引起很大騷動,使得消費性設備製造商競相推出住宅VoIP閘道器產品。本文即針對 VoIP住宅閘道器產品的所有主要部份,詳細說明它們的設計考量,並介紹今日VoIP住宅閘道器常見的主要組件功能,高品質VoIP通話所必備的關鍵要素,特別是電話電路的某些設計考量,以及概要介紹安全、資料路由和QoS監測等要素,使其能提供更深入的設計分析。

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Seagate buys Maxtor for $1.9B

Posted in Computer, Storage on December 22nd, 2005 by Banbanli,289142,sid5_gci1153741,00.html?track=NL-52&ad=538076

以後的SATA II Drive Seagate將會穩作第一,

Seagate shells $1.9B for Maxtor
Seagate Technology LLC. and Maxtor Corp. announced they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Seagate will acquire Maxtor in an all-stock transaction. Under the terms of the agreement, which has been unanimously approved by the board of directors of both companies, Maxtor shareholders will receive .37 shares of Seagate common stock for each Maxtor share they own. When the transaction is completed Seagate shareholders will own approximately 84% and Maxtor shareholders will own approximately 16% of the combined company. The value of the transaction is approximately $1.9 billion.

弱點偵測軟體 Nessus 推出 3.0 版

Posted in Computer, Linux on December 22nd, 2005 by Banbanli

網路安全 : 弱點偵測軟體 Nessus 推出 3.0 版
發表人 ols3 於 2005/12/22 6:51:41 (251 人讀取)

Nessus 3 重新改寫,採用新的 NASL3 引擎,幾乎是 Nessus 2 的二倍效能,plugin 的載入速度也加快了。 Read more »