Change CPU frequency in CentOS/Linux

Posted in Computer on June 13th, 2019 by Banbanli

cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 7
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6 Read more »

How to use TW CLI

Posted in Computer, Linux, Storage on June 4th, 2019 by Banbanli

How to use TW CLI

TW_CLI is a CLI tool for 3Ware RAID cards configuration. It provides in-depth control, various RAID configurations, monitoring and general tweaking of the present devices.

The following are a few examples of some useful commands.

You can either invoke the tool by 1. inserting tw_cli followed by enter or 2. run the commands directly by including the tw_cli as the first argument.

tw_cli > Enter > //hostname > show.
tw_cli show > output on new line.
* Show controller details and configuration
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Parallels App can not make connection

Posted in Apple, Computer on May 21st, 2019 by Banbanli

如果 Mac 與 Parallels Transporter Agent 連線失敗
防火牆程式可能會阻止 Mac 與 Windows PC 中 Parallels Transporter Agent 的連接。

Mac OS X 中的防火牆問題

如果 Mac 無法與 Windows PC 中 Parallels Transporter Agent 進行連接,原因可能是 Mac 內置的防火牆阻止了到 Parallels Transporter Agent 的連接。

要啟用 Mac 與 Parallels Transporter Agent 之間的連接並防止今後再被阻止,您可以在 Mac OS X 中通過以下操作來配置防火牆設定:

從 Apple 功能表選擇「系統偏好設定」,然後點按一下「安全」。
如果您嘗試通過手工鍵入 Windows PC 的 IP 地址來搜尋 Parallels Transporter Agent,您可能收到一條消息提示 Parallels Transporter Agent 已被阻止。按一下「解除封鎖」按鈕。

Windows 中的防火牆問題

Microsoft Windows 作業系統有內置的防火牆來阻止與其它電腦的連接。當第一次啟動 Parallels Transporter Agent 時,您可能會看到一條消息提示 Windows 防火牆已經阻止了該程式的部分功能。

若要啟用 Mac 與 Parallels Transporter Agent 之間的連線,請按一下「解除封鎖」。

要防止此問題再次發生,請將 Parallels Desktop 和/或 Parallels Transporter Agent 添加到防火牆例外列表(允許通過防火牆通信的應用程式清單)中:

從 開始 功能表中,選擇 控制台 > 網路連線。
在 網路任務 窗格中,按一下 變更 Windows 防火牆設定。
將 Parallels Desktop 和/或 Parallels Transporter Agent 添加到防火牆例外列表。

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Posted in Daily, Storage on April 8th, 2019 by Banbanli
隨著快閃儲存陣列趨於成熟,各一線儲存大廠也全面進入市場各就定位,逐步占領了這個領域。幾年前一度引領這個市場的新創廠商中,只有Pure Storage成功發展為可與大廠抗衡的地位,其餘新創廠商不是遭到大廠併購(如TMS、SolidFire、Nimble Storage、Skyera等等),就是陷於夾縫之間,處境日益艱難,甚至消失於市場,也讓全快閃儲存陣列這個曾經充滿新創廠商的產品領域,逐漸形成少數一線大廠瓜分的形勢。
廠商的起起落落,原是常見之事,但出乎意料的是,人們以為已經消失的幾家新創快閃儲存廠商,包括Tintri、Violin Memory與Nimbus Data,卻又找到重新出發的機會,經過併購或重整後,再次回到市場,讓全快閃儲存陣列仍能保有一定的多樣性。

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Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation

Posted in Computer, Linux, Windows on July 25th, 2018 by Banbanli

這個看起來很好玩的樣子,先book mark 起來

Kuebernates Persistent Volume

Posted in Container, Daily, Linux, Storage on July 25th, 2018 by Banbanli


VMware VVOLs

Posted in VMware on July 31st, 2017 by Banbanli



Virtual Volumes (VVols) is a new integration and management framework that virtualizes SAN/NAS arrays, enabling a more efficient operational model that is optimized for virtualized environments and centered on the application instead of the infrastructure. Virtual Volumes simplifies operations through policy-driven automation that enables more agile storage consumption for virtual machines and dynamic adjustments in real time, when they are needed. It simplifies the delivery of storage service levels to individual applications by providing finer control of hardware resources and native array-based data services that can be instantiated with virtual machine granularity.
With Virtual Volumes (VVols), VMware offers a new paradigm in which an individual virtual machine and its disks, rather than a LUN, becomes a unit of storage management for a storage system.Virtual volumes encapsulate virtual disks and other virtual machine files, and natively store the files on the storage system.


Virtual Volumes (VVols) are VMDK granular storage entities exported by storage arrays. Virtual volumes are exported to the ESXi host through a small set of protocol end-points (PE). Protocol Endpoints are part of the physical storage fabric, and they establish a data path from virtual machines to their respective virtual volumes on demand. Storage systems enables data services on virtual volumes. The results of these data services are newer virtual volumes. Data services, configuration and management of virtual volume systems is exclusively done out-of-band with respect to the data path. Virtual volumes can be grouped into logical entities called storage containers (SC) for management purposes. The existence of storage containers is limited to the out-of-band management channel.
Virtual volumes (VVols) and Storage Containers (SC) form the virtual storage fabric. Protocol Endpoints (PE) are part of the physical storage fabric.
By using a special set of APIs called vSphere APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA), the storage system becomes aware of the virtual volumes and their associations with the relevant virtual machines. Through VASA, vSphere and the underlying storage system establishes a two-way out-of-band communication to perform data services and offload certain virtual machine operations to the storage system. For example, operations such as snapshots and clones can be offloaded.
For in-band communication with Virtual Volumes storage systems, vSphere continues to use standard SCSI and NFS protocols. This results in support with Virtual Volumes for any type of storage that includes iSCSI, Fibre Channel, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), and NFS.
    • Virtual Volumes represent virtual disks of a virtual machine as abstract objects identified by 128-bit GUID, managed entirely by Storage hardware.
    • Model changes from managing space inside datastores to managing abstract storage objects handled by storage arrays.
    • Storage hardware gains complete control over virtual disk content, layout and management.
Storage partners have already started adding VVols support in their arrays. For end-to-end VVols support, HBA drivers need to support VVols-based devices. This necessitates availability of an API to get the second-level LUN ID (SLLID) and use by the SCSI drivers.

Drivers that support I/O to VVols, needs to advertise second-level addressing capability in their driver at the time of adapter registration. In addition, the HBA drivers need to advertise its second-level (SLLID) addressing capability with the ESXi storage stack. For more information, see VMware ESXi 6.0 I/O driver information: certified 5.5 I/O drivers are compatible with vSphere 6.0 (2111492). This is required so that the ESXi host storage stack can take a decision if the adapter can handle VVols I/O.

When checking the I/O Devices section of the VMware Compatibility Guide, you will see a new entry called Secondary LUNID. (Enables VVols). The ESXCLI infrastructure has the provision to display SSLID capability output of the HBA with this command esxcli storage core adapter list

Something about SSD

Posted in Daily, Storage on May 24th, 2016 by Banbanli

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