(轉貼)The Inside Story of the Death of Palm and webOS

Posted in Palm on June 16th, 2012 by Banbanli

Posted By: Ryan Kairer Tuesday, June 05, 2012 11:59:16 AM
The Verge has published an excellent insiders look into the “death of Palm and webOS.” The well researched article looks back at Palm’s efforts to revive the platform and companies fortunes in the last five years of its existence.

The piece, which includes quotes and commentary from a number of former Palm employees and engineers, primarily focuses on the efforts of building and launching webOS and the ensuing struggle to market.

History has proven that tossing out a familiar platform that prints money for your business and starting anew isn’t easy: just ask Apple and Microsoft, whose next-generation desktop operating systems in the 1990s (codenamed “Copland” and “Cairo,” respectively) floundered aimlessly for years before being replaced with other initiatives. The politics of a mobile platform are no different. The entire process can quickly devolve into a holy war, it turns out, never mind the risk of alienating your users and third-party developers — the very people by whom any platform is ultimately made or broken.

Palm Pre in EU

Posted in Daily, Palm on July 12th, 2009 by Banbanli

pre-europe-o2-movistar這是幾天前在Palminfocenter 的消息,主要是說Palm 已經正式透過媒體,Pre 會在某個節日上市,(我覺得大概就是聖誕結了)初期O2會擁有UK 跟Germany的專賣權,在西班牙就是Movistar取得專賣。



Palm EOL’s the Treo 680 and Various Accessories

Posted in Palm on November 27th, 2008 by Banbanli

Treo 680,好像才出了一年多就EOL了,我的680換了一隻,因為摔到了,過了許久變成啞巴,現在這一隻還是很好用。

現在大概還有Centro 這隻Palm OS smart phone 還在量產….

Takephone Rev.7.70 release

Posted in Palm on November 20th, 2008 by Banbanli

* Internet search: improved features.
* i-Bar: call/sms contacts, launch applications from main memory and/or sd-card/
* Full screen i-Bar: use the i-Bar as a single line plugin in the main screen, or as a full-screen “mini-launcher“.



Posted in Daily, Palm on September 2nd, 2008 by Banbanli

新家的網路連線,比較複雜的是,MOD是pulic IP,所以會透過PLC直接接VDSL, PS3 雖然是可以走wireless 連Draytek 2910VG, 不過跑video 比較不穩,所以也是連接PLC,問題來了,PLC都只有一個port ,一個已經接了VDSL,所以現在再接一個switch 1 port 接router 後面,1port 接VDSL ,這樣在客廳就可以同時擁有 private IP and Public IP.

看到Zyxel 有出4 port PLC,也許是取代1 port + switch 的solution

Unlocked GSM Treo 680 Update 1.12

Posted in Palm on January 17th, 2008 by Banbanli


就在我刷了兩個禮拜沒多久,Palm 竟然release unclocked Treo680 update~~
不過也還好啦,除了Microsoft Direct Push 算是新加入的東西,其他東西都應有包含在之前刷的ROM裡面,持續觀察中…
Read more »

Treo Drucker

Posted in Palm on January 7th, 2008 by Banbanli


Palm 迷夢幻機種終於出現了。
2. 3G/3.6 HSDPA
3. Windows Mobile 6.1 ->再把Palm OS換上去, wow
4. 320×320 Flush screen, 喂喂,應該要touch panel吧~
5. 2M, Camera, 這個我到不是很需要
6. 1500mAh Battery ,比Treo680元配多了300mA,真的很不錯
7. GPS,哇~這個也進去了,真是個好寶貝
8. WiFi, 這不就是大家夢寐以求的嗎?阿屋~
9. BT2.0

10 外型


這大概可以列在2009的wish list~:D


Palminfocenter / Palm Drucker to Finally Bring WiFi to the Treo Line?
Palminfocenter / Treo 800w Possible Mockup Image Posted

Group messages for Treo

Posted in Palm on January 6th, 2008 by Banbanli

Main Feature: Group messengers, Freeware


PIL 上面討論的,TreoTown全系列軟體,已經變成freeware囉,對Palm的使用者,真是個好消息。