Softick Audio Gateway for Palm OS Updated
Posted in Daily on June 5th, 2009 by Banbanli自從有了Plantronics Voyager 855 以後,這個軟體就常常用到了,主要是有立體聲,在辦公室內戴上耳機,人家都不會以唯你在聽音樂,而會以為是用藍牙耳機,真是太棒了。
這次的update 主要是針對電力跟一些音效的profile 進行微調,主要功能應該都不變。現有註冊客戶可以免費update 😀
Softick has updated their popular Audio Gateway program, the Bluetooth Stereo A2DP solution for Palm OS devices. Updates in this version include better power management, customizable audio profiles, connection optimizations and some user interface changes.